Friday, 28 August 2015

The simple secret to losing weight

Set yourself up for weight loss success

It’s likely that most of us will have tried to lose weight at some point. Fad diets, magic ingredients and restrictive menus may have left you disillusioned with losing weight in the past. We've dispensed with the smoke and mirrors to reveal the very simple secret that will make your next time a success.

Energy 101

Our bodies use energy to breathe, digest, sleep and generally keep the body ticking over, as well as to run, play sport, hang out the washing and any physical activity. It gets this energy from the food we eat and the beverages we drink. Energy is measured in calories, or the metric equivalent, kilojoules.
Your body can only do two things with the energy you give it:
1. Burn it through your body’s natural metabolism and exercise
2. Store it as fat on your body
Every kilo of bodyweight is the equivalent of around 7,000 stored calories (that’s 29,400 kilojoules). So if you’re 5kg overweight you’re storing an excess of 35,000 calories. So basically, that’s the equivalent of around 138 lamingtons, 97 hamburgers, 155 beef sausages or 26 family-sized blocks of chocolate.

The Energy Equation

So what’s the secret? The Energy Equation. This simple equation that measures the energy you put into your body against the energy you expend through exercise and metabolism. It will determine whether you lose weight, maintain the same weight or even gain weight.
1. Losing weight 
To lose weight you need to burn more energy than you consume. That means the sum of your energy equation should be a minus number, showing a deficit. If you think of it like a bank account, it’s like spending more (energy) than you’re earning. Debt isn’t always a good thing, but being overdrawn in energy terms is good news if you’re trying to lose weight!
2. Maintaining weight 
To maintain your weight, your energy equation has to be in balance. This means the energy you’re consuming matches the energy you’re expending. If you do this every day then you’ll manage your weight for good!
3. Gaining weight 
You gain weight when you’re consuming more energy than you’re burning. For example, eating two pieces of chocolate a day without balancing it out with extra exercise can contribute to almost 3kg gained in a year. A small treat can seem pretty harmless, but remember that if you don’t burn it, your body has no choice but to store it.

How much and how fast?

Claims of rapid weight loss can be alluring, but it’s actually unhealthy to lose weight too quickly, and this method will often see you put it all back on again once your diet is over. Several recent studies out of America recommend the more realistic, long-lasting and healthy strategy of losing 0.5-1kg a week. Keep up this negative energy balance of about 500 calories and you can expect to consistently lose 0.5kg a week until you reach your goal! That’s why body+soul revolution isn’t a diet; it’s a new way of life.

Best time to workout?

If you train on an empty stomach before breakfast, any calories burnt will be replaced when you eat breakfast. Weight loss will only occur if you burn more calories than what you eat for breakfast, no matter when you workout. So worry less about what time of day you exercise and focus on making sure you’re doing enough of it.

Resetting your health

To make things easy, body+soul revolution provides you with a hassle-free menu plan that is calorie controlled and nutritionally balanced. To stick to the Energy Equation, you really need to record all your food and exercise each day to see how much energy you’re consuming versus how much you’re burning up. That’s why body+soul revolution provides you with an Online Diary that does the maths for you.
It’s not just your body that will thank you for following the Energy Equation; your mind will too. 
What we eat can have a huge impact on our mood and emotional health. Regularly consuming heavily processed foods that are high in sugars and saturated fats and low in nutrients such as B vitamins, zinc and magnesium, can have a negative impact on your emotional health,” explains body+soul nutritionist, Lisa Guy, “Eating certain "feel-good" foods, however, as part of a well-balanced, wholesome diet, helps support healthy nerve and brain function as well as promoting the production of mood-boosting neurotransmitters.”

What do you guys think? Did you find this helpful? Comment below any weight loss tips you found helpful!


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