Tuesday, 25 August 2015

7 days to stop overeating

How to avoid overindulging in just one week


Drink more water. Dehydration can easily be confused with hunger and it contributes to low energy, so keep hydrated to curb hunger and minimise tiredness. Start your day with a big glass of water and set a reminder to drink some more every few hours. Still hungry after a meal? Drink a glass of water to curb that feeling.


Reduce your liquid calorie intake. These are easy to over-consume as they don’t provide the sense of feeling full that you get from food. They’re also easily absorbed. So cut down alcohol, soft drinks and fruit juices to an occasional treat.


Chew for longer. If you plough through meals, you’re likely to overeat and the stomach reflex that signals to the brain that the stomach is full will be delayed. If you chew for longer (until the food has become paste-like) not only will it help with digestion, but you’ll also feel full after less food.  


Cut out the “treat” mentality. You know you shouldn’t have it but that doesn’t stop you from treating yourself to a muffin or chocolate bar because you “deserve it” or you “worked out today” – sound familiar? Sweet treats and crisps are enormously high in calories, so do yourself a favour and cut out the junk. Instead, snack on healthier alternatives such as sweet fruits and raw nuts.



Go to bed on time. Not getting enough sleep stimulates appetite hormones, so you’ll end up eating more and choosing higher-calorie foods the next day. Improve your chances by going to bed at a regular time, sleeping in a dark room with the window slightly open to get fresh air and avoiding using gadgets just before bed.


Eat balanced meals. These should contain carbs, fats and protein; if one or more is insufficient, you’ll feel hungry sooner. For breakfast, try adding LSA (ground linseeds, sunflower seeds and almonds) or flaxseed oil to cereal, or smoked salmon or cottage cheese to toast.  


Eat at regular times. Many people know what to eat but overlook when to eat. If you skip breakfast and have a light lunch, you’re likely to overeat in the evening and feel peckish for a sweet treat. Establish a routine to eat the main meals at similar times. Have an afternoon snack to keep energy up and any hunger pangs at bay.


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