Here’s something that you’ve probably never even thought about, yet it has a massive effect on your physiology, both health and body composition–the LENGTH OF THE DAY.
What do I mean by that?
Every day the sun rises and falls, and the length of the day is controlled by these external events. When the sun rises, it’s light outside, and this signals our brain that it’s daytime. When the sun sets, there’s no more light, and the darkness signals to our brain that it’s nighttime.
Most of us now spend our days completely disconnected from the rise and fall of the sun, and our day length is completely unlike anything seen before for our human ancestors.
Think about it: Most of go to work during the day and spend our days indoors, seated under fluorescent lighting, and then we stay up each night long after the sun goes down, with electronic devices that emit BLUE LIGHT (the very wavelength of light that signals to our brain that it’s DAYTIME).
So our day length is now completely separated from the sun. We have an ARTIFICIAL length of day dictated by the light of our electronic devices.
Now, consider this: Let’s say on a normal day, then sun might be out for 11 hours.
But because you stay up for 4 hours after sunset watching TV or on your phone or computer–with blue light pumping through your eyes straight into the circadian clock in your brain–YOUR DAY LENGTH is now 15 hours!
So does this really matter?
Let me just give you a little hint about the effects of doing this on a chronic basis…
Kooijman et al. (2015) conducted a study in which three groups of rats were placed under three different daily light conditions to test the effects on fat mass.
Kooijman et al. (2015) conducted a study in which three groups of rats were placed under three different daily light conditions to test the effects on fat mass.
Calorie intake was precisely controlled and was EXACTLY THE SAME between the 3 groups. Then rats were exposed to either 12, 16, and 24 hours of light each day.
What did they discover?
Even though the rats ate the SAME amount of calories, the rats exposed to 16 and 24 hours of light had a dramatic increase in fat mass.
How did they get fat even though they didn’t eat any more calories?
Their metabolisms dramatically slowed down, so they basically started storing the calories they ate as fat, instead of burning them off.
The research also indicates that this effect certainly impacts humans, as well.
If you want to have good metabolic health and lose fat (or just avoid obesity and diabetes), I strongly suggest you take steps to keep a healthy circadian rhythm.
Start by minimizing your exposure to “daytime” signals after the sun sets.
So what am I telling you to do?
Do you need to go to sleep right after the sun goes down, or be in complete darkness?
No. You don’t. But you do need to minimize/eliminate blue light exposure after sunset.
Three things I would recommend:
1. Download the free app f.lux on your computer immediately.
If you have an android phone, download the free app Twilight.…
2. More importantly, wear blue blocking glasses after the sun goes down. (Do an search for “blue blockers”). Or if that’s not doable for you, then get screens to go over your computer, phone, and TV that block blue light from
This is just a small glimpse of the effects of circadian rhythm. It goes WAY beyond just this. But I assure you, keeping a healthy circadian rhythm and normal day length is critical to your metabolic health and to your fat loss goals.
If you’re eating well and exercising and not getting any results, it’s very likely that this is a big part of the reason why.
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