Wednesday 1 April 2015

Tips for easy weight loss

Push Your Body 

If you don't feel like trying something new in your exercise regimen, there are still ways to step up your current routine. Adding an extra few minutes to a workout, sprinting at the end of a run, or choosing heavier weights may make all the difference.

Eat Fiber in the Morning 

One key to losing weight is eating foods that keep you full. The strategy can help you ward off hunger pains and temptation. To start your day off right, make sure your breakfast includes at least eight grams of fiber.

Stick to Your New Habits Even After You Lose Weight 

You used to devour a big bag of potato chips with your lunch, but when you decided to lose weight, you replaced it with a side salad. Now that the weight is off, don't go back to your chips habit. Losing weight is a lifestyle change, not something you do until you reach your goal. Once you go back to old eating habits, the weight will creep back on. Give yourself room for indulgences, but make sure it's all in moderation.

Build Muscle 

Muscle burns calories at a higher rate than fat. (Depending on which study you read, a pound of muscle burns anywhere from 15 to 50 calories per day, compared to fat, which averages about two calories per day.) Even if you consider yourself active, it's important to make strength training a part of your fitness routine.


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