Friday 27 March 2015



Why would you want to do this anyway? Who has this really worked for? You’ve tried it already? If it worked, you wouldn’t have to try it again, would you now? The truth is, you’ll only end up fatter than when you started. But just so you don’t feel too bad, it really isn’t your fault. The body is cleverly designed, and has what is often referred to as the “starvation protection mechanism” or “starvation mode”. This evolutionary mechanism kicks in when the body isn’t meeting its nutritional demands (around less that 1200 calories for women),
Slows the loss of body fat and triggers the loss of muscle mass. These two points alone produce an unfavorable effect in body composition, resulting in a body type known as skinny fat. Basically, you risk ending up with a higher body fat percentage, even though you weight less.


There are many means of consuming, say, 1,000 calories. Other than calories, your body also needs nutrients. And while of course calories are important it is often the lack of nutrients on a very low calorie diet that catches people out. To successfully remain on 1,000 calories a day requires that you feed your body the nutrients it needs. If you do choose to go on a very low calorie diet, you need to carefully consider your food choices – more than normally. You’ve got to make every calorie count. For example, there is a gargantuan difference between 1000 calories of fast food and 1000 calories of nutrient-rich, fiber-rich foods. If you’re going to severely restrict calories, you’ve got to have a plan – and follow it.  To lose weight fast (and healthily) it is important that the foods you eat are:
  • High in Fiber: Increases the feeling of fullness. Research indicates that consuming an extra 14 grams of fiber a day is associated with a 10% decrease in calorie intake and a loss of 1lb of weight per week body weight.
  • Rich in Protein: Research shows that calories-for-calorie, protein makes a person feel more full than either carbohydrates or fats. Eating sufficient lean protein will help control hunger. In other words, you feel fuller after eating less and calorie intake is reduced. Furthermore, eating protein is important a no-protein diet is particularly risky. For fast weight loss, focus on egg whites, skinless poultry breasts, fish, shellfish, nonfat dairy foods,  95% lean meat and soy products.
  • LOW ENERGY Density: The energy content of food, gram for gram, has a big impact on weight loss. Energy content refers to the amount of calories in a gram of food. Generally, the more water a food contains the less energy (i.e. calories) it has. Think of celery that is high in water and low in calories (10 calories). Compare this with salted peanuts (300 calories), which are mostly fat.
  • HIGH NUTRIENT Density: A huge and vitally important reason that people fail on their weight loss diets is the nutrient content of their diet. Nutrient density is too often underestimated. While it might not be the most glamorous reason, it is one of the most significant factors to determine whether you will lose weight fast. You might not think about the nutrient content of what you’re eating, but your body does. If you drop your calorie intake without maintaining your nutrient intake, your body takes steps to ensure its nutritional needs are met and your weight loss efforts are almost certain to fail. On weight loss diets, nutrient content can be make-or-break. Fruit and vegetables are high in nutrients, as well as fiber, and should form a central part of your diet to lose weight fast.
  • SUPPLEMENT: You should take a multivitamin and mineral supplement while following a lower-calorie eating plan geared for fast weight loss.
It isn’t a case of food quantity, but food quality to ensure you meet your body’s nutrient needs. You can drop your calorie intake significantly and feed your body all the vitamins and minerals it requires by going for nutrient dense foods. Fast weight loss need not mean sacrificing your health and good looks. Depriving your body of calories so that you can burn your fat reserves does not mean that you also have to deprive your body of vitamins and minerals. Diets with the aim of losing weight fast and that only involve eating one type of food (i.e. mono diets) can cause some undesirable effects because they lack the essential nutrients your body needs to survive. Here’s more about fast weight loss. Quality food, instead of quantity to continue satisfying your body’s requirements


Yes, you’re eager, but if you cut back your calories to the extreme, where do you go when you hit the inevitable weight loss plateau? Start slowly and every time weight loss slows you can cut back your calorie intake a little more, or even better increase you calorie burn by exercising more.


Distinguish between hunger, greed and boredom. Only eat when you’re hungry.


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